after giving my talk on reactive business applications, i was approached and asked if i had thought about writing a book on the topic. i definitely had not! a decade ago i started the process of writing a proposal, but it never materialized into an actual project.
this time was different! my proposal was green-lit, and all of a sudden i was on the hook to write a bunch of content! i powered through the first half of the project at a reasonable clip, primarily devoting my weekends to writing. i eventually hit a wall though, having trouble pulling together a complete chapter on some topics. i actually stalled out for awhile, and after talking to my editor, re-jiggered the table of contents a bit to reflect what i felt i could achieve.
the end of the project turned into a sprint, as my publisher wanted to get it completed in 2022. that happened, and it is wild to see my words in print.
i hope the ideas i wrote down resonate with you. they definitely capture a point in time of my thinking, but at the same time, i believe they are pointing towards techniques that are becoming increasingly applicable across the industry. business applications have been built in similar ways for decades, and i feel we are at an inflection point where new paradigms are not only feasible, but should become best practices. developers often conflate common practice with best practice, but they are distinct!
i welcome your feedback on what i've written - good, bad, anything.
Discover a new way of thinking about business applications in light of the massive industry shift toward cloud computing and reactive programming technologies. This book synthesizes technologies and techniques such as event sourcing, command query responsibility segregation (CQRS), property-based testing, and GraphQL into a cohesive guide for modern business applications that benefit every developer.
The book begins with a look at the fundamentals of modern business applications. These fundamentals include business rules and the managing of data over time. The benefits of reactive techniques are explained, including how they are fundamentally aligned with what application developers strive to achieve in their work.
Author Peter Royal equips you with sound guidance to follow as you evolve your existing systems, as well as examples of how to build those systems using modern techniques in Spring, Java, and PostgreSQL.